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Friday, Sept. 03, 2004 - 1:42 a.m.

Ah-frickin-men, Green Day.

I found this tonight, on the heels of Idiotboy's ludicrous acceptance speech. I don't like to push anything yahoo, but this is an excellent song and video, and I heartily recommend. Watch the video under the "Music Videos" title, not the performance clip under the "Exclusive Content" title. I mean, the performance is good, but the video is where it's at. (And I can't believe I just said that.) You have to sit thru an anti-drug commercial first, because apparently either Yahoo or that part of the government which puts out the drug-free-america psa's feels everyone who listens to Green Day is into drugs and needs to be saved, but the video's worth it, and the commercial's actually a fairly intelligent play on all the commercials pushing legal drugs. I admit I only watched the video because I wanted to see all the green slime and am not actually into Green Day, but it's a damn good video and song, so I'm glad I did.

I could launch into a huge diatribe against the Shrub's speech here now, but it wouldn't do much good. If you're a fan of the moron, you thought it was a great speech, and if you don't like him, it was just too damn much to take. I will point out that I heard nothing new at all and plenty that made me wonder how the fuck most of America does not see thru this loser. He made all of the same promises he made - and broke - 4 years ago, plus several more. He trotted out that tired phrase "compassionate conservative" again, like it still means anything or ever did. He used the term "bipartisan" too many times for a guy who has more fully divided Congress and the country than any other president since Abraham Lincoln could be argued to have, and certainly more than someone with as much disdain as he has exhibited for the Democratic party should EVER even try to use it. He promised way more than any president anywhere could ever hope to even halfway deliver on; fully 75% of all the things he promised are completely impossible, especially without the money to pay for them. And he made absolutely no mention of how he plans on paying for any of it, so either he never means to implement ANY of what he promised (most likely), he has no plan for how to pay for any of it (unnecessary, since he has no plans to implement), or he's going to rape social security to do so (likely for those things he will actually carry thru on).

I also heard a lot of stuff that scared me, because I am able to extrapolate and read between the lines, which most people in that room were either unwilling or unable to do, because I am smart enough to know that personal savings accounts for medical needs means bad news for people who already can't afford health insurance and that personal savings accounts for retirement means you won't be getting anything from social security when the time comes. Of course, I also bother to educate myself on all the stuff he was tossing out there, so I am informed. Something I can only surmise the people in that room were not, judging from the unfailingly enthusiastic response to almost everything Idiotboy said. Which was pretty amazing, considering a lot of it didn't add up, and some of it didn't even make grammatical sense.

And by the way, WTF is "the broader Middle East"? You'd think something the guy invoked that many times would have something to reference to, but uh, no.

And does anybody else out there remember when Bush *insisted* he would not use September 11 for political gain? Dude. How many times tonight did he reference "just 3 miles from here" in his speech? He shamelessly used the events of September 11 for political gain, as did every other speaker of the convention...but I noticed none of them mentioned how he actually passed that morning, did they?


I so very much hate him and his entire agenda.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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