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Friday, Sept. 24, 2004 - 1:41 p.m.

You know, I love my Diaryland buddies. The ones who leave me little notes/comments or send me email, to be supportive, pat me on the back, or just say hi. They are absolutely the best. It's very cool to know that someone I have never met checks in to see what's going on and comments on it from time to time...I am afraid I am not as good at regular reading as many of them are, that that sorta sucks, because by the time I comment on their stuff, weeks have usually gone by. But they rock. I value and appreciate them.

So, um, thanks, you guys. :)

Hello? TVWoP?
All right, let's talk tv. I wish I worked for TVWoP, because frankly, that new CSI? The New York one? That thing is beggin' for snark. I caught myself TWoPping all over it last night. And it truly deserved it, too. I was wishing I could call up TVWoP and beg them to let me recap it for free, because wow, does it need it. I simply can not believe no one is recapping this series - or any of the CSI's. The original one is supposed to be like the top-rated drama on television, having finally unseated the great walking dead zombie elephant that is ER, so you would think that at least that one would be getting recapped, but no, it is not. So neither is CSI: Miami, which would be a veritable smorgasbord of snark for me every week, because David Caruso? PLEASE. I am amazed at the ridiculous he-man superhero single line or entire scene bombs he drops every single week, without fail. I swear, you know every single decision-maker over at Bruckheimer Prods. is Pubbie thru and thru, because that show is so over-the-top and Mr. Howdy Doody himself is all, "Don't worry, Nell, *I'll* save you!" to extremes.

But I digress. I watched CSI: NY, because I *like* Gary Sinise (I thought most of CSIM's problem is that it's a David Caruso vehicle), and since Gary Sinise is pretty cool in his characterizations, CSINY has a chance of being different and cool.

Um, no.

And dude. The hokeyness was abounding. And yet, there is no one at TVWoP to let have. Alas.

Dear WB:
Television episodes are not fruit. They are not "fresh." That expression isn't even. It's so frickin' 7 years ago, that I don't even know where to go with it. No one talks like that, except *maybe* rap stars and homeboys, and I'm pretty sure only the ones you see on tv do. Not even 13 year olds go "yo, dude, that episode was fresh!" They just don't. And I'm willing to bet that, even if they did? The average Gilmore Girl fan is not of the mouth-breathing, 30-second MTV attention span "fresh" ilk. So please stop referring to new episodes of the Gilmore Girls as such. It's just ludicrously stupid.

Speaking of Gilmore Girls, I am all happy for the Lorelei-Luke thing, but the whole Rory having sex with Dean, who then goes home and takes it out on his ridiculous wife who is working hard at the perfect pot roast? Ew.

I hate when television shows take the thing that you like them for - in this case, the close, witty repartee between mother and daughter - and then soil and rip it asunder because they think it will "make things more interesting." It doesn't make things more interesting, it just makes me not want to watch anymore. Did we learn nothing from Mad About You? The WB is so obviously trying to snag younger viewers, and if that's the case, and you want exclusively to be the network of the 12 to 16 year olds, then why not just cancel the show altogether, rather than ruin it by totally scrubbing your older demographic, the demographic that made it a hit in the first place?

I really, really hate the WB. After the bs with Buffy, and then Angel, and now the way they're screwing with GG, I really don't want to ever turn it on again. And in fact, probably will not, if this stupid Rory-Lorelei feud doesn't get worked out real friggin' quick. It's just too irritating. It's hard enough to find intelligent shows written for my age group. Which is to say, too old to hang out in a parking lot slamming beers on a Friday night, but not old enough to bed down with a Matlock rerun or Murder, She Wrote at 9pm, either. I want some spunk in my damn tv, and I want it to be intelligently written, and my only two actual witty and urbane choices *were* The Gilmore Girls and The West Wing, and it now looks like I am soon to be left solely with TWW. One hour a week of solidly well-written tv. And no Alias (for fun) until January. ::sigh::

Speaking of poor television...oo, the woman is bitter...remember the Jabberwocky log I was talking about about a month ago? Funny thing. About 2 weeks ago, it was woozled with. A coworker suddenly called me on the phone one day and asked had I changed it, and I said no, and it turns out that someone had replaced my first clip with the words "im so fuckin pissed". Which messed with me a little, because I'm pretty sure that had the wrong person seen that, MY head woulda been the one that rolled...although, as it turns out, 2 weeks or less later, it *did*, but anyway. We're both pretty sure Assboy did it, as he's the one who it turns out kept erasing the "we love katie" at the bottom of the clip - he told me so the day that same clip was replaced with the aforementioned sentence. I mention it here for no other reason that it was weird and I meant to say something about it when it happened, but I forgot until now. Whatever.

Right. I am still working on more guy-type prizes for the GKDVRD04. Any suggestions, lemme have 'em. And have you registered to vote, yet? :)

Peace out,

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In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
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