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Friday, Dec. 20, 2002 - 3:14 a.m.

I am feelin' rundown and tired, so there's not really an entry tonight. More like a short note to say hello, and that mostly because I figure some of you are jonesin' for the next Rudolph quote at the end of this post.

You did realize I was quoting "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," didn't you? If you did not, I can not be bothered to talk to you any longer. Please leave.


I did go Christmas tree shopping today. We decided to get a living tree, since it's only a week to Christmas, and it seems rather pointless to spend $70 or more on a tree for one measley week. So I got a sequoia. Why a sequoia, you ask. Well, all the pine trees they had were the kind that produce pollen, and since we already have one of those, and it's freaking huge and kills me all season long (it even covers both the vehicles with a layer of rust colored pollen), I refuse to willingly plant yet another tree which will make it harder to breathe. No. The sequoia will not do that. Course, it will also grow to be 50 - 90' high, so where to plant it is a tad problematic, but whatever. That's a whole week away, so what do I care? Truth be told, that's at least til Jan. 2, because to be honest, there's not a chance in hell the decorations are coming off of the tree prior to New Year's Day. St. Katie, remember?

It's a cute little tree, though. And it's on top of an end table, so it gets to feel like a big tree, because I am all about feeding the ego of trees, and I want it to feel all important and happy, because it's serving as a Christmas tree, so as it is now, it stands about 7' tall. And I managed to fill most of the gaps, so it doesn't look half bad. Maybe I'll get my trusty pda out and snap a picture of it later. Then again, I probably won't get around to it, so let's not fool ourselves. You people are never gonna see that tree.


After I picked out the tree and got it home with a lot of bending and very little mishap, I was happily decorating it when there was a sudden and very loud thud up on the roof. The wind was howling up a storm, so I wondered if it was a tree branch from the gigantic tree in the turn of the drive, and I go outside to check it out. I can't see anything from down in the drive, so I have to climb the hillside in the gale force winds, and it turns out that the tarps we put out to keep the rain from seeping down the walls of the garage (the garage abuts the hillside) have broken loose and are flapping about like banshees and flinging cinder blocks about like beads at Mardi Gras. Not the cheesy clear beads, either. The really great fancy ones that you have to kiss someone or show a body part to get, so there's a certain amount of enthusiasm in the flinging. Great.

Luckily, we are in the midst of building a rock wall, and there are 3 tons of stone sitting in the drive. Literally. So I get to carry many, many stones up the steep set of steps from the drive to the top of the hill where it 'buts up against the house, wrastle the damn tarps into place, and dump stones down along the edges and all thru the middles to keep them in place and unbillowy. And these are not small tarps, people. The are each like 20' x 30' or something. I know they are at least 20' square, so trust me, it was a bitch. And it was raining. And the wind was blowing so hard, the grass was flat to the ground. But by golly, those tarps are set now, boy. They don't call me The Terminatrix for nuthin', ya know.

They do too; shut up.

Actually, they call me The Terminator, but that's not sexually accurate, so I changed it for here. When I lived in Dallas, my friends, landlords and coworkers really called me that. I used to be pretty good at not taking any guff. Now I'm just ineffectual and fuming all the time.


All right, I'm outta here. Here comes your Rudolph quote.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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"Douse your nose and run like crazy!"

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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