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Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2005 - 9:42 p.m.

Today's rain (it was pouring for much of the afternoon) yielded this poem from my coworker, Wayne Barker. He didn't think it was a poem, but the way he said it, it totally was:
my feet are soaked,
my body is soaked,
i want a raise.

By the way, it is a really weird experience sitting under a skylight when there's lightning. The one over my desk is this huge cube set into the ceiling, about 7' high, with the top of the cube being the skylight and the bottom being the open space above my desk. So when lightning flashes, it sort of channels the flash all down into this really bright square of light that doesn't touch the rest of the room. It's really weird. And unexpected, because the noise of the thunder doesn't really carry thru the ceiling, walls, and rain pounding on the skylight above.

And speaking of work, I have fully dived facefirst down the rabbit hole, people. And the weirdness continues.

Christiane (aka Bruce) ignored me all day, no surprise, there.

When someone else asked me if I had any drugs in my purse and I said just ibuprofen, Sunny (aka Frankie) leaned around her computer screen to look at me and with a very unpleasant look on her face, said really snottily, "what, no crack cocaine?" I just glared back at her and said yeah, no. A minute goes by and then she says you know, Katie, if you need some help with which point I put my hand up and said "Sunny, don't talk to me like we don't both know what's going on," which I meant to say a lot more nicely than it actually came out, on accounta the rage and all. She protested and I said yeah right, she protested again, and I put my hand up at her again and said "Just don't talk to me today. And NO. I do not need any help from you." She said again she didn't know what I was talking about, and I just rolled my eyes and kept working. Then later in the day, she did the same weird snarly thing to the other coworker, who had to ask her a question and called her name several times before leaning down next to her and tapping her on the shoulder, at which point she whipped off her earphones, and Mara was smiling and said she called her several times, to which Sunny snarled 'maybe I was ignoring you; what are you going to do with *that*?' It was pretty weird and psychotic, frankly.

Two people stopped me in the hall near the end of the day to tell me they heard about the whole mess and that it had caused quite a stir, including the post supe going into Moloy's office, closing the door, and having a talk with him about everything I told him yesterday about my situation with Christiane, and the guy who got me the job (Chris) threatening to quit over the whole mess. Which was nice to hear, because frankly, I thought he was being fairly cavalier about it. I owe him a huge mental apology, that's for sure. And then some.

But the true weirdness is that from 6:30 to 7:00, Moloy was up in my suite and did not say a single thing to me at all, and then I get home at 8:30 and find I have email from Chris that he talked to both Moloy and an Executive Producer way up at the top of the food chain at like 2 this afternoon, and that Moloy said I'm not fired unless I want to be and for me to call his direct line to discuss it.


Why do I have to call him, when I have done nothing wrong in this mess and everyone knows it (because Christiane's hellish reputation preceeds her)? I have never met a more universally reviled, less respected person as Christiane Kirsch in all my life. And yet, while Moloy will supposedly concede to not firing me, he will only do so if I call him and....what? Beg? Seriously, this just gets more and more lunatic and Machiavellian every time I turn around.

On the bright side, I got to have these fun IM's this week.

From yesterday, with my friend Tom:
Tom - how's the concentration camp?
KD - really friggin' german*
Tom - sans the good beer and sausage
KD - lol; exactly. i feel like i should be sitting on the floor pitching a baseball against the wall
Tom - maybe you should. see what happens.
KD - lol; now i'm totally tempted. maybe just bring a baseball mitt in and leave it on my desk. when people go "what's that for?" say 'solitary'
Tom - maybe you can start doing charcoal sketches of everyone and bring a diary
KD - lol!

I don't have charcoal sketches, but I do have sharpie sketches of a great white shark and another of a hammerhead, the former being Bruce and the other Frankie, from Shark's Tale. I wonder if that counts?

*Both Bruce & Frankie are German, for those not keeping track

This one was from today, from Jonny-C, and he opened with it:

JonnyC - Hey. i have an idea for you for your last day.
KD -; okay
JonnyC - Right before you leave, stand up on your chair and hold up a hand written sign that says 'UNION!'.

He then said he thought that would brighten my day, and it did, so I said it was frigging AWESOME.

And this was from Em. She and I and Jonny-C have a running thing about what to name my memoirs, which both of them think should be about my experiences in reality tv, since I hate it so much and all the extreme stuff tends to happen to me.

I had told her what was going on today, not all of which was recounted here, and she said...
Em - this is like riding on the back of a nuclear warhead
KD - man; no kiddin'
Em - Riding on the Back of a Nuclear Warhead: Horrors of "Real" TV
KD - lol; how about...Riding the Bomb All the Way to the Ground: "Reality" Television & Other Horrors?

Which we agreed was an absolutely stellar title. So you can't take it. It's all mine.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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