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Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2004 - 10:27 p.m.

Uh-oh. I wonder if I will get in trouble for vote bribery, or if the GOP is only whining about people being urged to register and vote because it's Michael Moore doing the urging? My money is on Mike. Whiny frickin' babies. I can't believe Michigan has a law on the books regarding this, frankly. Buying someone's vote being illegal, yes, but giving them a prize just for registering/voting, regardless of for whom they cast their vote? Please. Know what? If I am in violation of the law for offering prizes for those of you who are registering, and then later, for those of you who vote? I think I'm fine with that. Y tu mama tambien, Ashcroft. Kees my oss.

Mike, by the by, has an absolutely stellar and comprehensive voter registration section on his website. I'd check it out, if I were you. 15 states have already had their registration much more time do you have? Do you know? Mike does. And there are only 25 days left to E-Day. So get out there and register!

Man, that Dick Cheney. I hate to say it, but he pretty much won tonight's debate. They both got in some good scores, and frankly, Cheney was blowing serious smoke, but there's not a man on the planet (unless it's Karl Rove) who can sell smoke and illusion and make it look like the real thing the way Dick can. He delivers bullshit with a conviction that would make Dubya weep with jealousy...had he the brains to recognize a bigger and better bullshit artist than himself. Whereas George is merely an artist in the medium of merde, Dick is an *artiste*. And Edwards problem is that he's just a little too "aw-shucks" for the American public. Because good-natured "aw-shucks" will get it's ass kicked and fails to impress when compared to fratboy smirking aw-shucks like George Idiotboy Shrub's, any day. Who would you want on your side in a fist fight? Genial, logical John Edwards, or smirking, drinking, test-cheating, throw-sand-in-the-eyes-and-swing-first George Bush? Americans, with all their fucked-up priorities, admire the second kind of guy, not the one who will talk his way out of the fight in the first place. Because I think when you get right down to it, most American men want a smirking asshole they can go out and get drunk and kicks some ass with, and most American women want that guy, too. I guess because they think he'll protect them and make them feel all girl-like and crap.

Me? I want the guy smart enough to stay out of the fight in the first damn place.

But enough with the politics. That's not actually why I'm here; I just took a break in the middle of writing this to watch the debate. Then that led to the making of dinner, which led to a movie, and then some jewelry fabrication, and now I'm finally back at my desk to write.

Speaking of making jewelry, I'm getting ready for this show on the 17th of October, so I make a few pieces every night. Last night, I'm sitting and working when Meows (formerly known as Roo) comes in and settles herself on the big pillows at the end of the sofa and reaches a paw in to play with my findings and some amethyst stones. Eventually, she fell asleep with her paw still sticking out there. How adorable is this? :)

I love cat paws. I think they're the neatest things. I love how soft they are and the way the fur sticks down between the toe pads on some cats. I like the way claws retract and that nifty kneading thing cats do. I even like the sound of the word paws. I like the images it conjures. Meows has neat paws. My dog Jake had excellent paws. They were great big huge german shepherd paws, and he used them for everything. If that dog had had opposable thumbs, I'd have been in very big trouble, because even without them, he got into more stuff than I would have thought it possible before knowing him, and even well into our acquaintance, he managed to shock and surprise me more times than a dog should be able to surprise his owner. But that's enough about Jake, because I'll cry if I really stop to think about him. I still miss him more than I can say. He was my best friend for 5 years, and a great dog. He could have kicked any dog's ass on the planet in the greatness department, he was just that great. I think that's why I've never gotten another dog. It's not so much I actually like cats, because believe me, on any given day, I can cite you at least 5 reasons why cats are the scourge of the earth. But they are not dogs, and that makes them tolerably appealing to someone still pining and unable to commit to another dog.


Jenna Jameson wants women in porn to be taken seriously as business people. Uhhhh-huh.

And Victoria, dear? It's ground. She ground her way up. Even in that context, "grinded" is not a word. It makes me insane when people who make their living writing can not do so correctly. I weep for the future of the English language and what is clearly the dumbing down of America.

Damn. I actually had something fun to write about, but damned if I can remember what it was, now. Stupid break.

I *do* have this from earlier in the week. Proof once again, that some people have waaaaaay too much time on their hands. Although, this is how geeky *I* am: when I saw it, my second observation (after daaaaammmn) was, "His hands are sticking out too far from the carbonite." It's a damn good representation, though.

Did I already post this? I thought I had, but I can't find it in any of my entries. Again, too much time on one's hands. But in a demented, truly geeky, sort of way, it's really cute. (Man. I *am* a geek.) The borg pony creator person - who for some reason I assume is male - has made a bunch of other ponies, including this merpony. And then there's this goth pony. I am amazed at what some people do with their hobby time. Truth be told though, I am way more impressed with this guy's pony incarnations than my jewelry.

This cracks me up, though. In the guy's explanation/how-to, he has this to say about the borg pony: "The polymer I used to sculpt her is very durable, but caution should be used with the more delicate parts. Therefore, I recommend her for display only."

Need I say anything else?

All right, that's it. Besides Gilmore Girls happily returning to witty normal and Lorelei and Rory working out their feud, which makes me Tuesday night cheery again, I got nuthin'. Thanks to Jonny C for the job offers and postings he keeps sending. Wish him luck, btw. He's quittin' post production at last, to dedicate himself to the fine art of acting. Even though he doesn't think working in reality programming is soul-sucking hell (and depending on what you do and who you do it for, it might not be), it's about time. :)

And ya know, I know I said no more politics, but 'tis woman's prerogative to change her mind, and besides, this is just too good to pass up. Despite having whole-heartedly supported him for office in 2000, even the Shrub's hometown paper has had enough and is callin' it quits:

"We should expect that a sitting President would vacation less, if at all, and instead tend to the business of running the country, especially if he is, as he likes to boast, a �wartime president.� America is in service 365 days a year. We don�t need a part-time President who does not show up for duty as Commander-In-Chief until he is forced to, and who is in a constant state of blameless denial when things don�t get done."

Amen, Iconoclast. Ahfrickinmen.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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