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Friday, Jun. 17, 2005 - 5:25 p.m.

Friday Finds. On Friday. I hardly know how to react.

Let us start off with the art of fellow D'lander, Albygocougs, aka Amy B. She's changed the site up since I was last there, and everything I saw isn't there at the moment, but there's still lots of stuff to look at. Just hit the little "next" at the bottom of each page. :) I especially like an acrylic painting called The Fens. Hi, Amy! :)

NASA has developed tactile "skin" for robots. Cool, ay? I think I will sign up for my Haley Joel Osment doll right now. Hopefully I can get a cute little 10 year old Haley Joel though, and not one the age he is now, because that would be sort of...wrong. Really, really, disturbingly wrong.

And speaking of wrong...

I generally do not like Uncommon Goods, but this potato parchment bowl is really cool and pretty.

I came across a post about the red heifer this week, and in trying to find out whether or not the latest has also sprung white (or other, non-red-colored hair), I found this. Knock yourselves out, my little Revelation buuuuddies. Is it just me, or does that map look like a chicken?

(I will not make Chicken Little jokes, I will not make Chicken Little jokes, I will not make...)

Doh! How come no one ever thinks the anti-christ is Bush? Or Rumsfeld? Or friggin' Rove, for cryin' out loud. Why's it always someone who lives somewhere else? I'm just askin'. I told my little Bible-thumping, Anti-Catholic, Rapture-seeking friend that I thought Bush was the anti-christ (when he said the pope was). His response?


And I still never found out anything about the current red heifer, which must have sprung other colored hairs, else I'm sure the zealots would all be goin' nuts and packin' for the Rapture. (and yes, I know you do not pack for the Rapture. It's a metaphor. Clearly, I will not be one of the rapturous.)

And last, if you are wondering how to make a Native American-style flute - or just repair one, as I was - I give you Ancestral Engineering.

Okay. That gets the finds out of the way. It was a long week. Lots of stuff happened, most of which I will not talk about, but I will tell you guys that yet again some random asshole started shit with me while I was out in the world. Less than a week after the medium pretty schmuck. Seems this other guy has a problem with women and cell phones, so as I was walking into Chipotle talking on my cell phone, he came at me and got all up in my face about talking on my cell and how dare I drive and talk at the same time, yada yada yada, blah blah blah. I then made the mistake of using the term "dude" in my reply, (I use it like someone else would use the word "gosh" or "wow," not as a referral to someone's person), and that further incensed him, and he got all snarly and "Don't call me dude" and threw in among other things that I "have a serious problem". That pretty much pissed me off, so you KNOW I had to make a point of saying "Whatever, DUDE," because I hadn't said anything snide or rude to him at all, and then I walked inside. For his part, he went and got his truck and waited for me to come out with my food, then pulled up behind me so I couldn't back out, tried to stare me down for about 15 seconds, which I assume was made difficult by the fact that I busied myself with my seatbelt and situating my food and stuff and just generally ignoring him, so when that didn't work, he pulled forward very slowly and kind of half-ass into a parking space further up, waiting for me to drive past, because it's all one-way right there and then turns into a back alleyway. However, since I was close enough to the main drive to back out and go the other way, that's what I did. Moron. So then last night when I walked into Chipotle again, he was ahead of me in line, and I just didn't say anything and figured he didn't recognize me, since I was wearing my glasses and was behind him and all. He got his food and went to a table, and when I got mine (to-go), I set it down at the end of the drink machine and got napkins and filled my drink, and as I was putting the napkins in my bag, he came up to the drink machine and stood there kinda staring at me like he couldn't decide whether to get in my face again or not while I blandly ignored him. I went out to my car while he was refilling his drink, and I guess he ran back to his table and got all his food, because I didn't see him come out, but while I was waiting at the red light at the far end of the parking lot, he pulled up behind me, and then after I made my left turn, he sped up and passed me, leaning over and glaring out his passenger window at me, like he was all filled with the wrathful power of God or something. I just ignored him and turned right, up the street that leads to my street. Some people are really freaking whacked.

Just thought I'd share, so you guys can see how often this sort of thing actually happens to me. Man, do I miss Texas. This stuff almost never happened to me, there.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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