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Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005 - 4:25 a.m.

::sigh:: I have just spent several hours trying to find out how someone managed to hack into my site and place a script into one of my files, only to find out that, like an idiot, I had done it myself, that it wasn't a virus, and that what I had done was install a viewpoint toolbar yesterday, when in the midst of an IM, I quickly clicked ok on a box that popped up without reading more than the words "update" and "media player".


You may call me an idiot now. You know, when you stop laughing. Me and computers? Oh yeah; we're like [] this.

Okay, stop laughing now. Really. Stop. I would have figured it out sooner, but the only thing it affected was the popup windows on my site. Every popup window had the stupid toolbar across it. So you can see how I might think it was in the script for my stupid large image popup windows. I said, stop laughing.


Oh, oh, guess what! I have a job tomorrow!!! Only for 2 days and 6 hours each day, but it pays $20 an hour, and I have another one on Saturday for another $100 plus dinner, so yay; money! :)

Good thing too, because tomorrow is the start of Lent, which means no more sugar for me for 45 looooooong days, and since chocolate Hostess and Diet Coke are my tranquilizer of choice, that's 45 longass days with no self-medication, but all the stress in the world. Seriously, I do not know how much longer I can take not being able to find a job. It's gotten so that I can not sleep at night, what with all the lying there in the dark totally freaking out because unemployment is enough to literally either eat or pay bills, and my creditors get really snippy if I don't pay my bills, but my body gets really dead if I don't eat. And gas for my car? Fuggedaboutit. So my sleep schedule is totally blown, and when I *do* sleep, I have nightmares all night long, and they're getting more and more hideous. Last night, I watched someone fire scalps and entrails out of a catapult, against a wall, all for the joy of the splatter. You have not lived until you've known that wonder, boy. My dreams are really vivid, too, so I can still see the detritus left on the wall and the pile of blood and other bodily fluids the guy working the catapult was standing his white lab coat, which was also covered with the stuff. And all the while, he kept gleefully firing the fucking thing, determined to see how many times he could hit the "x" he'd placed on the wall. Which you couldn't even see anymore for all the blood and other stuff. I wanted to throw up in my dream, and remembering it isn't helping much, either. And you know what? I have more of the same to look forward to tonight. Because when I am this freaked about life, that's what happens. Next comes the sleepwalking (when the dreams amp up to a certain degree of stress, I sleepwalk whatever I dream I'm doing). I've already woken up a few times with my eyes already open, but all 3 times I was still in bed. That's a freaky experience, by the way, becoming lucid and then conscious as you dream that your eyes are actually open, watching the dream dissolve into whatever you happen to be looking at in the room, and only then becoming actually awake. I especially love it when whatever I was dreaming was particularly hallucinogenic, because then you're not sure that what you dreamt was actually a dream and not something that happened, and you really don't want to go back to sleep again. I also don't like that I sleepwalk, because frankly, that's just creepy. Especially for someone like me, who really doesn't want to go walking around the top of a mountain in the middle of the night; for one thing, what if I tumble down one of the steep slopes that surround us? There are any number of ways to get hurt outside. What if I shut the door, which will then lock behind me, as it is supposed to do? What if I get out a knife or other sharp object? Seriously, it is not a good thing to re-enact your nightmares in your sleep. Trust me on this. So no, I am not thrilled, and I really wish I'd get an actual JOB soon, so that I can stress out over other, less stressful things.

Um, okay; that was cheerful, ay?

Sorry 'bout that.

Hey, remember I said I made jewelry and I would post the pictures? Here are two or three of them. The hoops are the ones I had trouble with, which you will not believe, because they look really easy to make, so you will be going "dude; how easy is THAT - you had trouble with THAT?" And yes, they are easy, and what I had trouble with was where to hold the wire so that I could wrap them tightly, because my pliers and the wire were not co-operating. So um, stuff it, ya big meanies. ;)

Those are sterling silver hoops with amazonite and peridot. I gave them the oh-so-cheesy name of Catalina, because the colors remind me of the ocean, and they seem summery, and me and TB had a great day on Catalina 2 weeks after he first said he loved me. :) The next are pink jade and pearl, named Svetlana, because the first pair I made (which are virtually identical to the jade) were of muscovite, which is from the Muscovy province of Old Russia (among other places), where it was originally used as window glass, on account of its translucency. It has bits of mica in it, which make it kinda twinkly, and impurities which give it color. The base is clear, so it made a good window substance, and it used to be called Muscovy glass. It's also very valuable for use in some industrial processes, so though it's plentiful, it's expensive. The stuff I got is a red-brown color, but it also comes in silver and green. But anyway, since it's a Russian kinda stone, I thought the earrings should have a Russian kinda name. Because I'm a big ol' cheeseburger like that. :) And last, we have a pair of linear earrings of amazonite briolettes on sterling silver chain, which are named for my friend Hope, because she really likes the linear earrings and keeps ordering them from me. :)


I made more, but that's all I feel like sharing just now, because I'm tired. :)

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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