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Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 - 8:43 p.m.

I somehow thought when I grew up and got out of my parents' house, that I would also leave behind the joy of the daily ritual informing me of my lack of any import whatsoever.

Silly me.

Let's just do the Finds and call it a day, shall we?

If you live in the Los Angeles area and are high on Lance Fever and a daily dose of the Tour (de France...DUH), capitalize on that enthusiasm and check out Bicycle Kitchen / La Bici Cocina. Learn how to repair and care for your bike, meet other cyclists (new, old, experienced and non), trade stories, get the skinny on LA cycling, or donate a bike to a needy kid.

MU magazine art director and publisher, Deanne Cheuk has a new book coming out called The Mushroom Girls Virus Book. The images are interesting. I find most of them a little unsettling, and some of them disturbing, for some reason. Maybe I have a subliminal thing about mushrooms. It's entirely possible, since for most of my life I could not stand to eat them, what with all the black/dark brown ribs and spores. People are not supposed to eat spores. Spores are things that spread stuff, most of it not particularly appetizing (or necessarily healthy). They are also the bearers of really bad stuff in a great many science fiction movies. Think about it and name me a single scifi flick in which spores are a good thing. Huh? Huh?

See? You can't do it.

No, my friends, spores are not our friends. But by all means, go. Look at the disturbing spore art.

See if I care.

You can also read an interview with Ms. Cheuk and see more examples of her art here.

I'm not sure I want my lips smelling like coffee, but the tea ones are intriquing.

Remember that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer is dating a low-talker and Jerry ends up wearing a puffy shirt? Yyyye-aaaaaaah...

I have a thing for purses, which I rarely endulge. This is because when it gets right down to it, I like looking at purses more than I actually like wearing them (much like my lipstick obsession, only more expensive and easier to put off), and most purses are ridiculously expensive. The ones I tend to like, anyway. That does not, however, preclude my owning a closet full of purses. Purses which never see the light of day and only rarely catch the glimmer of streetlights. I have an absolutely adorable cranberry and white gingham purse that I love, love, love. ...And have never carried. All that being said, I think a great many of Lulu Guinness' purses are quite the fun little handbags. Not, however, this one. This one and Skeletons in the Closet, yes. That one? No.

I am, btw, utterly appalled at how poorly designed Lulu's site is. How do people who pour creative energy into designing other things tolerate badly designed websites? It's the portal to your product, for crying out loud; DO something with it. Lulu's site looks cute enough when it finishes loading, but it's all separate images and no include files. I pity anyone on dial-up trying to surf it.

That's about it. I have to go sit in the corner and continue to sweat my ass off in stillness, now. You have to love it when it's still 99 degrees and humid as all hell inside your house at 10:00 at night. All you guys out there are totally stoked you do not have breasts. Because when you are hot as hell and have breasts, the one place you can always count on to be excessively sweaty is the valley between your breasts. And there is nothing more torturous than that viscerally irritating trickle of sweat that sometimes lodges in your bra fabric and sometimes just runs right through and heads for your belly button. I can take sweating anywhere else, but there?

I can not say no emphatically enough.

Seriously, Chinese water torture is not as insanely annoying as that, and a bra in hot humid weather way beats the Chinese (figuratively speaking) for sheer take-you-to-the-brink-of-insanity torture, anyway, because once that thing gets damp and starts sticking to you, there is no comfortable position for it or way to wear it. You women out there get what I'm sayin', I know you do. So you know in these days of triple digit heat, high humidity, and no air conditioning, I am just a bundle of happy, happy joy every single day. ::sigh::

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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