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Friday, Nov. 05, 2004 - 4:17 p.m.

First off, many thanks to the nameless person who paid my supergold membership. You totally rock, and I appreciate it. I would say I'm touched and all, but that would be all uncharacteristically mushy and nice and stuff, so let's just move on, shall we? (but it was really nice of you, and I am sorta, you know, touched. oh crap. moving on, now. bygones.)

Your tax dollars in action.

Talk about your fly-by's... For those of you too lazy to click the link, it's basically about a National Guard pilot strafing a school. And not in Iraq, as you might be forgiven for concluding. No, my friends, this school was in New Jersey. Luckily, it was a day off for the kids.

So, I am in slightly better spirits today; it's amazing what reading a lot of vitriol that agrees with you can do for a person. I got to rip to shreds a couple of rude and idiotic Republicans looking to get a rise out of me, so I'm slowly finding a way to function again, though I'm also pretty sure I'm still in Denial, and when the electoral votes are cast, I make no promises regarding the flow of bile, so be forewarned. Also, I have kicked Freeblog back into gear, because if this election did anything, it motivated my ass to get actively involved on the political scene. Unfortunately for some of you folk, I feel inclined to do most of my political chatting where I know the greatest number of people will see it, so until I build a readership over at Free, you can pretty much expect to see a lot of it here, too. However, I will try to keep it as brief and polite as possible. I promise. Maybe I will just post links to Free, instead. We'll see. I realize I'll lose some of you, and I regret that, but I also feel this country is important enough to keep fighting for. I was hoping that right about now, there would be other people to take up the sword and keep swinging, but apparently, that's not going down, and since I find the Bush regime and all their groupies intolerable in the extreme, in all honesty to you guys, I really don't think I can stay quiet. I will do my best to boost the poli-blog exposure and keep the political stuff over there, though. I never really wanted this diary to be used for anything too horrendously serious, so it behooves me to move the rants as much as it does you.

I got mail from a friend of mine who voted for Bush. He said he hoped I wouldn't do what all the other liberals are doing and fall into the trap of believing that all the people who voted for Bush are stupid. I took a deep breath and tried to explain why so many of us who voted for Kerry (if not all of us) are angry right now. What I think a lot of people who voted for Bush don't get is that a huge margin of the people who voted for Kerry didn't just dislike Bush, they rabidly hate him and find him intolerable. I know a lot of the Bushies probably hate Kerry (more than a few of them tried to convince me to hate him too), but they haven't had 4 years of bitterness and disenfranchisement festering inside them to really boost the volatility of their feelings. In fact, I don't think they truly *hate* Kerry, they just think they do. Because we are talking a whole different level of intensity when you talk about Dubya. So trust me: if you voted for Bush, you do not comprehend the level of anger most of us who voted against him feel. I'd let it go a few months before you try "talkin' sense into" any of us or try pointing out "the bright side" and talking about Bush's "compassionate conservative" willingness to "reach out" to us. Because if you don't, you're liable to get bitch slapped*, one way or another. I'm just sayin'.

* In the wake of a very good piece written by a very wise person whom I respect, I would very much like to clarify that I didn't mean you *should* get bitch slapped, I meant that the person's gut reaction could be to rip you to shreds, so you should let the anti-Bush anger die down a little before you make that kind of overture. I'm sorry I did not make this more clear. I am just amazed at the number of Bush supporters currently sending me happy little "why can't you see how great this is?" emails. Certainly, I hope I have said enough times in the last few months or month that I do not begrudge anyone who votes his/her conscience, whether I agree with it, or not. You have to vote what you believe. I just ask that you do the homework so you know your conscience is truly represented in your vote.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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