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Monday, May. 10, 2004 - 1:02 a.m.

So, like, there are some girls at work doing the whole Weight Watchers winning points - or flex points, whatever - thing, and they love it. One of them says it's the best, most successful diet she's ever been on already, and she's only been doing it for a few weeks. They're so fired up about it and such that me and another girl at workplace decide to give it a go. Team up and be buddies, etc. Only trouble is, I get 20 points a day.

20. T-W-E-N-T-Y.

A ham/turkey/swiss sandwich on whole wheat bread is 9. That's half my points for the entire day. If I had breakfast, a small bowl of Cheeriohs (1 c.) is 5, and that's if I skimp on the lowfat milk. And I don't know about you, but 1 cup of Cheeriohs hasn't filled me up since I was 7; I can eat two of those babies easy, but if I do that, that's half of my points for the entire day. So let's say I eat the one bowl, and then I have a sandwich (with light mayo just lightly coating the bread, of course), that's already 14 points. Which leaves me 6. Which means I can have 1 6 oz. boneless skinless chicken breast, or 1 3 oz. boneless skinless what, chicken tender? and 1/2 c. of brown rice and 1 c. of melon. Mmmm. I feel full already. And that's if I forgo any kind of pretzel snacking between meals, because if I pretzel snack, I can not have dinner at all. Unless I skip breakfast.

Who eats like this???

Bird people, that's who.

It's unfair. Other people with more weight to gain than I get way more points. Jonny C. was telling me a friend of his is on the system, and she has more points a day than she knows what to do with; she can't eat 'em all. To be honest, you do get 35 "flex points" a week, in case you run over, but still. Divide that by 7, and I get 5 extra points a day, which just means I can have some pretzels. I have decided that what with the walking 2 to 3 miles a day most days, much of it uphill, I am just going to use the points system as a guideline. As in, let's see....I can have a chicken breast and baked potato, with a few asparagus, for 9 points (asparagus is 0 points!), or a slab of lasagne for 15. Hmmm...think I'll have the chicken. So I think it may be useful for menu planning, but I'm sorry, there's no way in hell I can stick with any diet that limits the size of your meals to 6 or 8 ounces, total. And it's not like I even eat that much.

Jonny C. is starting The South Beach Diet, which I had forgotten about until he mentioned it. A friend of mine is on that and loves it. She says that she gets to eat more than enough food and most of the things she likes, so it's been really easy to follow and stay on, and she's lost great amounts of weight. So I'm thinkin' I'm gonna check into that, too. Because it's not like I have mountains of weight to lose, but you know, I'd really like to weigh my nice, petite 118 again. Or maybe even 125. But 140 (or maybe 145)? Uh, no. Especially what with that ugly, hideous, extremely mom-like wrinkle thing near my waist from my poochy, hideous, kangaroo-like tummy. It seems that when I feel stressed, I tend to push my stomach *out*. I was less than thrilled for this little observation, and it's proving to be an unbelievably difficult habit to break, because much of the time, I'm not even aware I'm doing it. ::sigh:: But become aware I must, because, ee-ew.

So there you have it. The beginning of my diet woes. I am beginning in earnest with the walking and the dieting and soon the yoga-ing, so share with me your own weight loss woes, if you like. We are siblings in pain.

Oh, and for the record, today I had 37 points, which really eats into my flex point total of 35, so that leaves me with 18 of those for the week. So much for saving them all up for Saturdays... Ah, me; tomorrow is another day.

Peace out,

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