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Tuesday, Jul. 12, 2005 - 12:02 a.m.

Boy, did I have a crappy day. Have I mentioned it's like 150 degrees Kelvin here in the Land of Movies & Flakes, and it's only gonna get hotter? Because, dude.

In an effort to chill out what has been an absolutely horrendous, angst-ridden, hormonally screwed day (weeks, really, but today really sucked), I am drinking wine...lots of wine. 13.5% alcohol French wine. Because I am hardcore, yo. So bank dat.

(I don't know; pseudo-ghetto speak is soothing. Get over it.)


I am, in fact, drinking the same stuff I had the last time I posted toasted, and that would be Mas des Tourelles, 2001. Du vin c'est un Vin de Pays du Gard, which is where my friend Marie-Pierre is from, and I recommend it, if you can find it. I bought mine (and the last 2 bottles of it, tonight) at Whole Foods. The "subtitle" part, btw, means Wine of the Country (roughly) of the Gard region of France, and the neat thing about the vineyard is that it's actually situated near an ancient Roman trade route, on ruins, so there's an archaeological dig on-site. How cool is that?

::sigh:: I so wish I could move to France, you've no idea. I fell in love with the entire country in a way I can't really describe and was completely unprepared for. It feels like home in a way no other place has, though I also loved Japan very much.

I had a lot of stuff to write about, but at the moment, I don't really feel like getting into much of anything but a wandering, meandering sort of post, so I'm just goin' with that. Plus, it's like 104 degrees inside the house (no, I'm not kidding), and I don't really feel like much of anything, anyway. What with being hot, glistening, and drunk, it makes for a pretty languid situation.

I have, in fact, reached the point where some food experimentation may be in order. The last time I had this wine, I found it went very well with strawberries and herb roule cheese. I have none of that on hand, but considering I just spent $180 and change at the grocery store for one week's worth of food (yes, that's 180, not 18), there's a TON of fruit in the fridge, because I am currently all about the healthy. Of course, there's also sugar-free ice cream sandwiches in there, which begs the question: Why are there no low-fat, sugar-free ice cream treats out there?

You know why? Because you can't have low-fat and low-sugar and still taste good, that's why.

It's true. If you take away the fat, you have to amp up the sugar, because frankly, fat tastes good. That's why we eat so damn much of it, America. It's yummy, yummy stuff. All the best foods are high in fat: ice cream, donuts, chocolate, french fries, cheesecake, cookies, fried chicken, pepperoni pizza, name it, if you love it to the point you can't get enough of it, it's high in fat. And part of the way food people make low-fat stuff taste good is to add extra sugar or extra sodium. So low-fat sugar-free ice cream sandwiches?

I don't think so.

But sugar is my addiction of choice, so rather than go for the low-fat Silhouette brand ice cream sandwiches from The Skinny Cow (which are yummy, btw), I went for the alternate brand which is sugar-free. Because I don't know if I have mentioned, but I weigh 147.6 pounds now, peeps. And I'm pretty sure that extra 7.6 pounds came from all the fast food the housemate and I have been eating for the last however many months it's been since I have regularly been responsible for producing home-cooked meals. And I think I really could have planned that out better, and spent the last coupla months cooking while it was reasonably cool, and the hot months - which, granted, will last until December, now that they are here - eating the fast food and gaining the suckass weight, but I was utterly lacking in the foresight needed to plan ahead like that, so I did it in reverse, and now that I am a big ol' potbellied heifer from hell, it is time to go on a diet, complete with the banning of fast food and sugar, before I round the bend and head for Fatassville. Coz right now I can still disguise it with jeans and a loose t-shirt, but in another few weeks, if things keep goin' the way they're headed, that will be impossible, and people will be goin' dayam girl, step away from the donut. I already have arms 50% bigger than they used to be and more fat than I care to think about lodged firmly and quite happily around my middle, like a big ol' innertube full of cottage cheese, all happy to hang out and make my life a giant, self-loathing ball of hell for as long as it takes, so it is time to exert some self-control, before things get really outta hand.

Wow. TMI, huh?

Sorry, but speaking as someone who loves food more than sex and spent all of her life until 4 years ago as someone who weighed 115 pounds and other people walked up to snappishly and sniped "eat a cookie," I find the current situation unbearable. But also speaking as someone who spent her entire life eating whatever the hell she wanted to, while everyone around her said "Oh, Katie, you couldn't be fat if you tried," this whole not eating what I want when I want thing sucks the big old honkin' donkey you-know-what. And I find I have absolutely zero nutritional sense, whatsoever, because while I always tried to keep my major fat intake to a minimum (no more than 20-25% of my meal calories from fat), I find I do not know word fucking one about dieting. Nor do I enjoy it. I finally get what everyone else was bitching about all these years. I mean, I understood dieting was the suck, but I so did not *grasp* it. Because trust me, dieting is The Suck. I hate it, and I am not good at it. But try I must, because the alternative is I keep getting bigger, and man, is that so not an option.

But it feels like I've been writing about the subject for about a million years now, so I think I'm finished. Talk about your buzz kills...I think it's time for bed.

Hasta, dudes.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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