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Sunday, Aug. 01, 2004 - 11:13 p.m. the Democratic National Convention is a huge success, and John Kerry passes Bush in the ratings...and immediately the administration announces a "specific" terrorist threat; hell, they even tell us which buildings are targeted...and yet, they don't actually raise the "terrorist threat level" at those sites to red.

WTF do you need to declare a red level, blood-soaked piles of rubble?

Seems to me, if you actually have hard, specific evidence of a planned attack - at least to the point you know exactly where the attack will take place - you could go out on a limb and raise the "threat level" to red.

Then again, I don't buy for fricking second there's actually any kind of credible threat, against those buildings or any others. What I think is that the Bush administration is on the ropes and knows it, so they're trumping up this bullshit "threat" to scare people and make them think only Bush can keep them safe...which most idiots will happily believe when nothing happens. And nothing will happen, because there's nothing in the works. I won't be surprised if they suddenly arrest "terrorists" they say were the ones planning something, but please. It's been 3 freaking years, and not even a bus has blown up in this country. Not a bus, not a building, not a church or synagogue. But NOW, Al Quaeda can coordinate an attack on 5 different buildings, in 3 different cities?

Yeah. And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to peddle. Please.

How am I expected to take as fact anything this administration says, let alone anything they say this close to the presidential election? Witness: Pakistan captures Tanzanian Al Qaeda operative Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, who was wanted in connection with the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and then at the request of the Bush administration, holds onto the announcement of that fact until just before John Kerry begins his acceptance speech Thursday night. The Bush administration has also let Pakistan know they would appreciate the facilitation of acquisition of "high value targets" (ie. Al Qaeda operatives) between now and the election (during the Dem. Natl. Convention was an especially). And that's been reported in more places than so-called "liberal" papers - when you can find it on the AP wire, it's pretty much mainstream, whether or not it makes the Washington Post or LA Times.

But that's it for me. I just wanted to go on record today as having said Riiiiiiiiiight.

Peace out,

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