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Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 - 10:06 p.m.

Yet another proposed Constitutional amendment to ban flag burning. What is that now, 11 million? No wonder al Qaeda attacked us. How strong can we possibly be, that a little thing like setting fire to some fabric can seriously freak people out enough that they have to go to all the time and money to work to amend an entire national document over 200 years old and put people in prison for doing something as innocuous as lighting a fire? If the fabric of what truly represents us were as weak as people seem to think the flag is, we'd be in a whole mess of worse stuff than setting fire to cloth. Oh, wait.

I have to wonder how often anyone ever sets the flag on fire that this is a problem for so many people, anyway. In my entire life, I can remember one specific instance of someone lighting a flag on fire and making the news (I believe that was 16 years ago), and maybe another 2 or 3 imagined instances that might have happened, or I figure probably happened and I just never heard about it, because I'm sure somebody's done it a time or two that I just don't remember. So it does not happen often enough to really make news or upset so many people that it makes news, and yet, we need a Constitutional Amendment to prevent it. Huh. I also love how no one ever bitches about the flag touching the ground, floor, or merchandise, being worn as an item of clothing (ie. a vest made from a flag), or being flown in the dark or the rain, which the US Flag Code says you absolutely may not do. In fact, if a flag *does* touch the ground and is stained, you are supposed to destroy it. And the method by which the flag code says it should be destroyed?


Irony, thy name is the US legislature.

Peace out,

Obviously I do not sanction al Quaeda or the events of September 11, and was making a point using allegory; do not send me hate mail because you are an idiot and think I support terrorist acts.

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Don't even think it, punk.

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