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Sunday, Dec. 05, 2004 - 2:41 a.m.

Fuck. I hate, hate, HATE my fucking birthday.

Every year the degree of suckage amps up just that much more than the year before, and it never gets any better. I'm really, really sick and tired of being there for the people in my life and yet never quite making the fucking a-list when it comes to my presence in their lives. I have many, many issues with this fucking year, but the only one I'm going to get into is you'd think people you live with could be bothered to buy a fucking card or write a note, wouldn't you? And yet, no. Apparently, that was an unrealistic expectation. Go, me.

I have not had a birthday cake since my 21st birthday, btw. That one was kind of a neat birthday, barring the identity crisis I went thru, at least. You know: "Who am I, what am I, where am I going and why the hell is it taking so long to get there?"

That should give you some indication of what life was like for me in the Doylehouse, that at 21 I had a near nervous breakdown over the complete and utter lack of accomplishment in my life at the tender age of twenty-fucking-one.

You can imagine how well I'm taking getting older every year.

At any rate, the 21st birthday was kinda neat (though not unmarred by suckage, thanks to my mom, who can shovel guilt and manipulation with the best of 'em). I was stuck at the Fine Arts Building at UTA, because my car had been totalled and it was a rehearsal night (Arsenic & Old Lace), so no one could give me a ride until it was over. Which was actually part of this whole huge, complicated plot, only I did not know that at the time. I did all my tech stuff and fell asleep on the sofa in the green room, which, in true green room fashion, was not actually green. It was cream. But it *did* have two huge masks (drama & comedy, of course) painted on the wall across from the particular sofa I was occupying - it was quite a huge room - with green and blue ribbons 'twined around them. I had actually helped paint those masks and ribbons just a few months before, as part of an Alpha Psi Omega project. Brent Anderson also helped paint them, which was thrilling, because I had a monumentally gigantic crush on the guy, but that's neither here nor there. What *is* here is that unbeknownst to me, Brent's girlfriend (and my friend) Tessie (the Greek) had gotten together with our friend Steve Morris, who was a totally wonderful, awesome guy, to throw me a surprise birthday party. So 'long about 10:00, when rehearsal was over, someone came and woke me up and told me Mr. Proctor wanted us all in the studio for notes, so I got up and stumbled up into the seats and collapsed, and proceeded to try to wake up so Mr. Proctor, who was not the kinda guy whose notes one slept thru, would not kill me. It was hard, because frankly, I was really tired, and since I wasn't IN the show, the notes were pretty tedious and boring. I tend to listen to everyone's notes in rehearsal, because you can still learn stuff that way, but really, I was way not into it that night. So I sat there and tried to stay awake, and Chuckles finally finished his notes when suddenly the lights went out and there was some kind of flickering yellow firelight in the green room doorway, and everyone started singing Happy Birthday as they wheeled this gigantic cake into the room with a ton of candles on it. It was totally, totally cool. Everyone should get a cool surprise birthday party at least once in their life (that and have a bunch of guys sing "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" to them) because it totally rocks.

I got lots of presents, too, including this really pretty stuffed unicorn from Steve that I still have. :)

Good times, that was. I miss 'em sometimes. Miss those people, too.

Anyway, that's it for birthday talk. I didn't actually mean to. I meant to log the Diaryland Quote(s) of the Day, which comes from Metame, because it was damned funny and made me laugh, which is quite the accomplishment after the day I've had. She and Jonny-C are the cool beans of the day. They both made me feel good, despite the birthday blah. And my mom called to sing Happy Birthday, which, if you knew my mom...

Anyway, without further ado, here it is, the Diaryland Quote(s) of the Day: "Man, Tim has Jerry Falwell on Meet the Press. ... He hopes the president appoints a supreme court judge to overthrow Roe v. Wade. I hope a fiery meteor crashes to earth, decimating him and anyone who thinks he has something useful to offer to society. Let's all hope that both of these hopes are equally unlikely."

I'm sure your mileage varies, but I laughed. Hard. It was just kinda unexpected, that's all.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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